According to science department chairperson Jennifer Marlow, the next department meeting will be on Feb. 10 after school in Room B211. The day after, during SRT, students who have signed up will take the Biology Olympiad exam.
Marlow said the clubs generally sign up students. “The biology club takes care of signing up students that are interested in the Biology Olympiad competition, but students don’t have to be a part of the club to take the test,” Marlow said. “We give the tests during SRT and any student can sign up to take them.”
Also, the Science Education Foundation of Indiana (SEFI) science fair competition will beMarch 7 at Marion University. Currently, there are five CHS students signed up to attend: Seniors Adit Chandra and Josh Segaran as a team and juniors Vikas Maturi, Sreya Vemuri and Kimaya Raje as individuals. Registration for the competition closes Feb. 25.
Raje said she has always been interested in science, so she emailed an IUPUI professor and started research there about Down syndrome.
“The professor that I worked with, he studies Down syndrome. We use a mouse model to study Down syndrome, so it has to do with the bone phenotypes that you see in Down syndrome people and mice and different ways we can correct that deficit,” she said. “I became really involved in it and now I’m really interested in the stuff we discuss and just understanding it all and seeing all the different applications of it.”