According to Allyson Lafon, Goalball Club president and junior, Goalball Club will change its meeting date. In lieu of meeting on Monday afternoons at CHS, club members will meet at Indiana Schools for the Blind and Visually Impaired on Thursday nights.
Lafon and Goalball Club sponsor Dave Romano both said that this change was inevitable because Romano is starting to coach the middle school track teams.
“After school is hard to schedule a time for a meeting, so (Thursday night meetings) are unofficial club meetings; if you want to come, you can,” Romano said.
At these Thursday night meetings, members help prepare the goalball team for an April tournament in New Jersey and finalize fundraising details for the upcoming tournament. Meanwhile, club members also learn officiating tips at the meetings.
“(Members) all endeavor to help officiate at the national tournament. Having this experience—officiating with the group that is training with the U.S. Men’s National Goalball Team—is enough for them to officiate at the national tournament,” Romano said.
Outside of the club meetings, “(Members) are getting ready to start prepping things for the middle schools to get students excited about the club as well as expand our membership for when we leave (CHS),” Lafon said.