The science department has been emphasizing on safety in science classrooms for the past couple of PLC’s, or department chair meetings. According to Officer Moore, safety is very important in all classrooms and especially science classrooms, with the added hazardous material. Science Department chair Jennifer Drudge thinks that the classrooms are more prepared for possible attacks.
“This meeting was really focused on school safety, and especially what to do if there are intruders. Much like we do with the drills with students, when we get on the intercom and talk about what you would do if the intruder was in one part of the building, and you were in another part of the building, we went into more detail with that. Also, Officer Moore just gave us more tips on staying calm.” Drudge said.
Freshman Kevin Wang thinks that science classrooms are relatively safe, but could take a couple extra precautions.
“Science classrooms are pretty safe, because no one has gotten hurt this year…” Wang said. “If I were to make any changes, I would probably suggest safer labs.”
The Science Department also has several announcements to make relating to extracurricular science.
“We have several things coming up early in the second semester, and even in the first semester.” Drudge said. “For students interested in participating in the Physics Olympiad exam, those registrations are due by Dec. 4., and so if students are interested they need to see Mr. Hambley. For Chemistry Olympiad, more information will be coming out for Chemistry Olympiad in January. Also for a Biology Olympiad Exam, students will need to see Dr. Marble. These deadlines are coming up fairly soon, so the quicker they can get to those teachers the better.”