Witshine’s attempt to transform late night bathroom-going–is it effective?
With the return of daylight savings time, the hours that used to be considered evening have once again transformed into night. This December, as a budget-friendly, funny, and colorful gift, Witshine’s toilet light is able, for the most part, to enlighten one’s path with a motion detector and provide hand-free illumination during the winter months.
Installation: 7/10
The installation process was extremely convenient, and anyone can figure out how to do it. The hanging arm with the LED light is hooked onto the bowl, and while initially it seems unstable, once the seat is secured, the arm is sturdy enough to essentially “strap” the bowl. The product comes with an easy to read manual on installation with a series of pictures. The one issue arose from the LED light arm, which did not have enough of a U-curve, causing the light to stick out a little, which was found to be somewhat inconvenient. Looking past that issue though, the installation process is very simple.
Motion detection: 5/10
The motion detection is iffy. It is advertised to only work in the dark for maximum battery efficiency; however, this statement is not true. Furthermore, the motion detection itself is not very accurate. Walking near it, which should turn the light on, does not always work systematically. Furthermore, leaving the bathroom does not automatically turn the light off as advertised.
Color Selection: 10/10
There are sixteen different colors, ranging from bright blue to a soft coral, and while color preference is subjective, there are enough colors for anyone to find at least one that is suitable. By default, the unit comes in “carousel mode,” cycling through each color every eight seconds. However, short pressing the button will fix the current color, prioritizing individual preferences, and pressing the button again will resume the color cycle.
Brightness: 10/10
The brightness of the light can be adjusted by holding down the button on the unit. There are five different levels of brightness, depending on individual preferences. For the low voltage and wattage levels (4.5V and 0.2W respectively), the light is able to shine quite brightly, and is definitely sufficient for quick bathroom trips at night or early morning.
General Bathroom-Going Experience: 8/10
The toilet light genuinely turns bathroom-going, an usually mundane occurrence, into an experience. While I do acknowledge that most of the fun probably arises from its novelty, and once the newness fades, will become as much part of the daily routine as bathroom-going currently is, I truly stared into the toilet bowl for five minutes straight and made my whole family stand around the toilet bowl while the colors rotated and casted highlights on our faces.
Overall Score: 40/50 = 80%
If you’re looking for a gift for a younger sibling, or even just a funny gag gift for a friend or family member, this toilet light would be a decent option. For the price ($9.99 plus shipping), it exceeded my expectations in terms of quality and convenience. Not only will the gadget light up the cold, dark, winter nights, which are in full swing, but also encourage hydration when your skin and body needs it the most.
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