All of the choirs are preparing for the annual choral showcase on Feb. 27 at 7 p.m. in the CHS auditorium. Tickets are on sale starting next week.
In addition, according to choir director Katherine Kouns, Accents and Ambassadors have their first competition of the season on Feb. 15 at Chesterton High School in northern Indiana.
She said, “Allegro and New Edition will compete in a few weeks, right now they are also finishing everything up and getting prepared for their performance.”
Ambassadors member Andrew “Drew” Boyce said, “For competition, Accents and New Edition do a set of 5 sing-and-dance numbers in a 20 minute performance and they get judged against other choirs. Last year, Ambassadors went 4-1 in this competition season and we’re hoping to go 5-0 this year.”
He said, “We have been practicing for a couple hours every day to prepare for these comps. This year, Ambassador’s theme is El Dorado, the Lost City of Gold. We are going to compete at the Grand Old Opry in Nashville this year at show choir nationals. We’re hoping to win!”
Kouns said in the midst of all of this, the choirs are continuing to audition new members for the 25-26 school year. She encourages anyone who’s interested to come by the choir rooms in E157.