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Junior Clara Funk reads a book in the library, ignoring the Christmas and holiday-themed books in the background. Funk said she believes people force positivity and the holiday spirit onto others, also known as toxic positivity, which she dislikes. “People will be like, ‘Oh why don’t you like the holidays?’ and, ‘You should be happy’ and whatnot,” she said. “But just telling me that doesn’t really help.”

Students, teacher challenge toxic positivity during holiday season

Sumedha Kota and Arya Pinnamaneni December 6, 2021

During the holiday season, junior Clara Funk said she noticed the holiday spirit being forced and pushed upon her in a toxic way, especially when she said she wasn’t interested.  “I feel like sometimes...

Sarah Konrad, TEDx president and junior, (right) talks to Carmen Broadnax, TEDx club member and junior, (left) before the TEDx meeting on Jan. 27. Konrad said the club’s main focus right now is planning for the speaker auditions, which are scheduled for Jan. 30 in Room E235.

Speakers audition Jan. 30 for next TEDx conference

Rhea Acharya January 30, 2020

Sarah Konrad, TEDx president and junior, said the TEDx club will host speaker auditions on Jan. 30 for its next conference. She said the auditions will take place from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in Room E235, and...

Sarah Konrad, TEDx president and junior, works on a math assignment during class. Konrad said she encourages all interested students to come to the TEDx speaker auditions, which are tentatively scheduled for late January.

TEDx to plan speaker auditions at meeting on Jan. 13

Rhea Acharya January 12, 2020

Sarah Konrad, TEDx president and junior, said during the club’s next meeting on Jan. 13 in Room E235, the members will devote the majority of their time to planning the speaker auditions for the club’s...

 Sarah Konrad, new TEDx president and junior, talks to a friend during math class in the class period before a TEDx meeting. Konrad said she is excited for her new position in the club.

TEDx gains additional sponsor, reorganizes leadership team

Rhea Acharya November 23, 2019

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the TEDx club now has a new leadership team. According to Sarah Konrad, new TEDx president and junior, many of the same people are on the club’s leadership team, but...

Sarah Konrad, design head and junior, takes part in a conversation after school with her friends. Konrad said that right now, the TEDx club is focused on increasing its membership.

TEDx leadership team strives to increase membership

Rhea Acharya November 2, 2019

According to Sarah Konrad, design head and junior, the club’s leadership team is currently focused on getting more people to join TEDx.   Konrad said, “We want to increase membership because...

Sarah Konrad, Design Head and junior, tries to open her friend’s locker. Konrad said the speaker auditions have been postponed, and the club will decide on a new date soon.

TEDx postpones speaker auditions

Rhea Acharya October 11, 2019

According to Sarah Konrad, Design Head and junior, the TEDx leadership team postponed the speaker auditions that were scheduled for Oct. 3 to a later date that is not scheduled yet due to conflicts with...

Selin Oh, TEDx president and senior, asks club members for feedback on the December conference. Oh said she is sad it was her last conference, but she hopes to prepare the returning members well for the future.

TEDx continues planning for next year

March 3, 2019

Following sponsor changes and a room change, the TEDx club uses its meetings to prepare for next year. According to Selin Oh, TEDx president and senior, this means the club members will discuss the past...

Ally Eaton, TEDx Event Planning committee head and senior, signs a thank you card for Allison Hargrove, former TEDx sponsor and social studies teacher. According to Selin Oh, TEDx president and senior, this card is a gesture to show Hargrove how great her impact on the club has been and how grateful the members have been for her support.

TEDx changes room for meetings

Rhea Acharya February 8, 2019

Following its conference in December on the theme “In a New Light,” the TEDx club switched sponsors from social studies teacher Allison Hargrove to social studies teachers Allen Wheeler and Michael...

Sarah Konrad, TEDx member and sophomore, talks to her friends while eating lunch in Greyhound Station. She said she is sad that social studies teacher Allison Hargrove is no longer the TEDx sponsor, as she always talked to all the club members and had a positive effect on the club.

TEDx transitions to new co-sponsors

Rhea Acharya January 21, 2019

The TEDx conference in December marked the end of social studies teacher Allison Hargrove’s time as TEDx sponsor; starting this semester, social studies teachers Michael O’Toole and Allen Wheeler will...

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