The scheduled Sept. 5 CHS men’s soccer game in memory of former player Brett Finbloom ’12 gives remaining seniors who once shared the field with Finbloom a chance to spread awareness of the Indiana Lifeline Law.

Remaining teammates and head coach Shane Schmidt have recently come together to prepare for the game, which is set to kick off at 7:30 p.m. at Murray Stadium, by spreading the word and showing support for the overall message.
“Be safe, be smart and always make good decisions no matter how old you are,” said Schmidt, who also expressed that the team is showing excitement and coming together by creating an impression that will last forever.
The Indiana Lifeline Law offers legal protection to minors under the influence of alcohol who seek emergency medical assistance due to alcohol consumption and cooperate with police. Matthew Saltsgaver, soccer player and senior, effectively worked to receive a grant for the game.
“During and after the game I expect to continue spreading the message about always making smart decisions and to never jeopardize someone’s life,” Saltsgaver said.
According to a promotional poster for the game, special guests include Indiana Senator Jim Merritt (the sponsor of the Lifeline bill), Indy Eleven players and Finbloom’s parents, Dawn and Norm.
Schmidt predicts many seats to be filled but even more productive safety messages to be enforced and used.
“The messages within the program are expected to last, but Brett Finbloom’s presence in it is everlasting.”