ComedySportz will square off against Lebanon and Bishop Chatard in home matches on March 12 and 13, respectively. Each match will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the Studio Theater; tickets are available in the bookstore and online at

Michael Davis, ComedySportz member and junior, said the team has not lost its focus since opening the season with wins over Guerin and North Central in mid-February. “There’s always things we can work on,” he said. “Something new that we’re trying is starting scenes without dialogue, giving it five seconds or four seconds, just facial expressions, body movements, sort of to set the scene.”
According to ComedySportz sponsor Jim Peterson, each member has his own tasks to work on as the season progresses. “The veterans had to kind of go back to basics and remember those details that are very, very important,” he said. “Then for the ‘noobs’ to figure out some of the basics on improv and what they can do to improve, I think (experience with games) has been really, really helpful.”
According to Davis, if the last two games are anything to go by, the team will be fully prepared for its next two. “We worked as a team,” he said. “We were a team, we just looked like we were hoopa-dooping around, having fun.”