Indian Student Alliance (ISA) will not have a club meeting this week do to scheduling conflicts with the members. The executive council members are all seniors and have been unable to meet to discuss club details. Nida Khan, club president and senior, has not decided when the next meeting will occur.
Although the club will not be meeting this week, it still has some important matters to discuss for the coming year. Because the executive council is made up of seniors, the club will have to pick a new president. Last year the founder remained as president and any who chose could be on the executive council. However, Khan will decide who the president will be among current members and the executive council will be selected next school year on voluntary bases. Paige Wehr, club sponsor and teacher, has not yet had the chance to discuss the presidency with Khan. Khan will make her choice before bringing the idea to Wehr.
Another plan before the end of year is a party for all of the members. The club could not organize all of the details for a Holi party in time. As a result, the members want to have another end of year celebration.
Khan said, “I think we are going to use the Holi color we never used for an end-of-year party.”