AVID development was a major topic in science department meetings during past PLC’s. Many AVID teachers spoke at the last department chair meeting, expressing the change that was happening. According to science department chair Jennifer Drudge, AVID is a program designed to help students with different backgrounds succeed.
“With AVID being a program in our school that is geared toward helping students be able do school a little bit better, whether that is being organized, taking good notes, engaging with their notes, using groups and one another to really help another learn, that program has always been directed at students who have shown that they should be successful in school, but maybe have not been as successful as they should be.” Drudge said.
Freshman Matthew Benedetti, one of these students, thinks that there are a lot of opportunities that open up for him.
“We have a lot of nice opportunities. Specifically, we can pursue any class of our choice, and we can learn the techniques to become successful.” Benedetti said.
Drudge also said that if she were to add something to the AVID material, she would add more engaging material.
“I think probably learning how to engage with material, not just being able to write down notes or read a passage out of a textbook, but to engage with material in a deep and meaningful way is what is most beneficial for students.” Drudge said.