Comedy Sportz members will resume meetings on Fridays in P123 after school on Feb. 7. Members are expected to demonstrate all the techniques learned from the first semester’s rehearsals in home matches on Feb. 20 and 21 in the Studio Theater at 7 p.m.
Comedy Sportz sponsor James Peterson said trainings from the first semester covered how to demonstrate scenic attributes and character interactions in a performance with limited external resources. He said the team, throughout the February rehearsals, plans to focus on how to apply these newly learned techniques to the upcoming matches.
“There’s a lot of different skills: fast thinking, saying yes, improvisation (and others),” Peterson said.
Sarah Warf, Comedy Sportz club member and sophomore, said the different motivations and goals of each specific member push the drive to succeed even more.
“Comedy Sportz to me is just a little family of people who all have different senses of humor,” Warf said. “When we work together, it’s just the best time ever.”