The 10-member Comedy Sportz team was finalized and will begin rehearsing regularly on Mondays. During practice, the team performs a variety of improvisational comedy games in order to better their acting and humor skills in preparation for the competitions, which will take place later in the year.
According to Comedy Sportz sponsor, Grant Steckbeck, the current semester will be spent rehearsing using various Comedy Sportz-sanctioned games.
“In the fall, there will be three weekend training sessions where the team members will learn all the games and the basic structure of the matches, (to help them) understand the rules and the flow and become more of an ensemble,” said Steckbeck.
Sophia Malerbi, one of the co-captains of Comedy Sportz, said she enjoys Comedy Sportz because it challenges her.
“It is just fun to compete with my friends on stage and in the audience”, she said. “It is a performance at times just like any other but each match is also its own challenge; a personal challenge of if you can rhyme the fastest or come up with the most well-rounded character the fastest, but also a challenge of how well do you work in a team while improvising everything.” By Riva Jain.
lilly • Sep 26, 2023 at 9:59 am
it was amazing