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Selin Oh, TEDx president and senior, studies for one of her AP exams in the hallway. Oh said she hopes many TEDx members will attend the end-of-the-year celebration on May 22 in Room E210.

TEDx celebrates year at May 22 meeting

Rhea Acharya May 20, 2019

According to Selin Oh, TEDx president and senior, the TEDx club will meet for the last time for this academic year on May 22 in Room E210 for its end-of-year celebration. Oh said she plans for there to...

Selin Oh, founder, student leader of The Let's Talk club and senior, poses for a photo. The Let's Talk Club brought up many difficult issues during their meetings this year.

Let’s Talk club to end for the year

By Karolena Zhou May 15, 2019

The Let’s Talk club has come to an end for the year. There won’t be any more gatherings. However, according to Selin Oh, founder, student leader of the Let’s Talk club and senior, there might be...

Selin Oh, TEDx president and senior, unpacks her bag before a TEDx meeting. She said her current focus is to work with the new leadership team, so they will be ready to take over next school year.

TEDx seniors to help next year’s leadership team adjust to roles, plan for future

Rhea Acharya April 10, 2019

Recently, the current leadership team for TEDx, which was entirely comprised of current seniors, selected a new leadership team for the 2019 to 2020 school year. In order to be considered for a leadership...

Let’s Talk Club to restart after spring break

Karolena Zhou March 26, 2019

The Let’s Talk club has been on a break due to the fact that many of the club’s officers have been busy, but they have decided to have a meeting after spring break. “We haven’t done much, but...

Selin Oh, Camerata cellist and senior, practices her cello in the orchestra room after school. Oh said she especially looks forward to playing Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons,” which was composed to go along with four sonnets.

Orchestras to rehearse repertoire for Camerata orchestra concert, Chen says

Adhi Ramkumar March 26, 2019

The CHS performing arts department is gearing up for the upcoming Camerata orchestra concert in the orchestra room (P100) on March 27 at 7 p.m. According to director of orchestras Tom Chen, the concert...

Selin Oh, TEDx president and senior, asks club members for feedback on the December conference. Oh said she is sad it was her last conference, but she hopes to prepare the returning members well for the future.

TEDx continues planning for next year

March 3, 2019

Following sponsor changes and a room change, the TEDx club uses its meetings to prepare for next year. According to Selin Oh, TEDx president and senior, this means the club members will discuss the past...

Let’s Talk Club to experience period of inactivity

Karolena Zhou February 13, 2019

The Let’s Talk Club is on hold for now because most of the staff are seniors, who have a lot of activities to do.   Selin Oh, founder and student leader of the Let’s Talk Club, said,  “We’ve...

Ally Eaton, TEDx Event Planning committee head and senior, signs a thank you card for Allison Hargrove, former TEDx sponsor and social studies teacher. According to Selin Oh, TEDx president and senior, this card is a gesture to show Hargrove how great her impact on the club has been and how grateful the members have been for her support.

TEDx changes room for meetings

Rhea Acharya February 8, 2019

Following its conference in December on the theme “In a New Light,” the TEDx club switched sponsors from social studies teacher Allison Hargrove to social studies teachers Allen Wheeler and Michael...

Selin Oh, Camerata Orchestra cellist and senior, reviews her chamber music at the beginning of SRT. Ohly-Davis said light refreshments, namely cookies and punch, will be served at the event.

Orchestras to rehearse repertoire for chamber music recital, Ohly-Davis says

Adhi Ramkumar January 23, 2019

The CHS performing arts department is gearing up for the upcoming chamber music recital, in the orchestra room (P100) on Jan. 30 at 5 p.m. According to director of orchestras Elisabeth Ohly-Davis, this...

Let’s Talk club to resume meetings

Karolena Zhou January 22, 2019

The Let’s Talk club is restarting the club this month. The club will meet after school on late start Wednesdays at 3:30 in the CHS library. “Late start mornings don’t work as people are doing...

Sarah Konrad, TEDx member and sophomore, talks to her friends while eating lunch in Greyhound Station. She said she is sad that social studies teacher Allison Hargrove is no longer the TEDx sponsor, as she always talked to all the club members and had a positive effect on the club.

TEDx transitions to new co-sponsors

Rhea Acharya January 21, 2019

The TEDx conference in December marked the end of social studies teacher Allison Hargrove’s time as TEDx sponsor; starting this semester, social studies teachers Michael O’Toole and Allen Wheeler will...

Let’s Talk Club restarting next year

Karolena Zhou December 4, 2018

The Let’s Talk Club has been taking a break as the officers are busy. The club will start up again next year. Deciding that it would be better for people to come after school rather than in the mornings...

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