The last fundraising event for this semester is scheduled to take place on Dec. 15 in the Freshman Cafeteria. According to House sponsor Sarah Wolff, the event, called “Smoothie Smashdown”, is a three-year long tradition that pits pairs of students a
gainst each other to see whose smoothie recipe is number one. Money raised at the event will be donated to Riley Hospital for Children through Dance Marathon in February 2013.
“(Smoothie Smashdown) raises money in three different ways. First, pairs enter as a team so we raise money through that—last year we had over 30 teams competing. Also, you can pay to come and taste-test the smoothies and judge them,” Wolff said. “Then this random thing we added that’s been kind of fun, and that’s a gingerbread-house-making contest, which costs to enter, but there’s a prize for winning that as well.”

Students may sign up to compete in Smoothie Smashdown in the Activities Office. Anyone interested in being a judge, including students, parents and community members, should show up to the Freshman Cafeteria on Dec. 15 at a time yet to be announced, and pay a small fee at the door.
According to speaker of the House Meredith Baranowski, the event traditionally takes place the weekend before finals week begins, which serves a dual purpose.
“For so many of us, the time before winter break can be a bit stressful and hectic. With the Smoothie Smashdown, you can take a break amidst the madness and spend time with friends while raising money for a great cause,” Baranowski said.
There are incentives for winning as well—prizes for first place teams in the different categories, such as “Most Creative Ingredient”, “Best Tasting” and “Most Spirited”, are gift cards to Smoothie King.
“The event really grew last year, so we’re really looking to see what it can do now, as we go into the third year. I think it’ll keep growing for a while,” Wolff said.