With the exception of the final planned installment of the International Movies at Midtown Plaza series, which will be held on Oct. 22, the Carmel Mayor’s Youth Council (CMYC) has had to either postpone or cancel all its events due to COVID-19 restrictions and precautions.
The last installment of the series will show the movie Endurance, which is an Ethiopian movie, at 5:30 pm in Midtown Plaza. The movie follows the life of Ethiopian runner Haile Gebrselassie. The showing will also feature an introduction by Eritrean-American runner Futsum Zeinasellassie. COVID-19 safety precautions will be in place, as masks and social distancing are required.
CMYC sponsor Kelli Prader said, “The plaza normally doesn’t do any movie screenings in the winter because it’s so cold and so we’re kind of following that with our international series just because attendance is already restricted due to the pandemic, and so less and less people will show up when it’s cold, so this is going to be our last installment at least until it’s warm again.”
CMYC has continued hosting their meetings on Zoom rather than in person in order to take COVID-19 precautions. The meetings are held twice a month.
Zoe Edwards, CMYC member and senior, said “It really is a shame that we’re not meeting in person. I completely understand why we’re not meeting in person, and I don’t think we should be, but not getting to make those interpersonal connections as thoroughly is really unfortunate, especially since it’s my last year on council.”