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Do Something Club sponsor James Ziegler and Samantha Kadinger, Do Something Club member and senior, discuss the club’s upcoming Veterans Walkathon.  Ziegler said that the club is currently working on signing up people to volunteer at the event, and anybody interested in volunteering can sign-up by contacting him.

Do Something Club to meet April 25 to plan Veterans Walkathon

Angela Li April 24, 2019

Do Something Club will meet this Thursday, April 25, after school to plan the club’s upcoming Veterans Walkathon, according to Samantha Kadinger, Do Something member and senior. “(We will) be gathering...

Do Something Club sponsor James Ziegler and Samantha Kadinger, Do Something Club member and senior, discuss the club’s upcoming projects. Ziegler said that the main focus of the club in the upcoming weeks is to plan for the club’s Veterans Walkathon on May 11.

Do Something Club to meet today to plan Veterans Walkathon

Angela Li April 24, 2019

Do Something Club met March 26 after school to plan their upcoming breakfast for the math department, which won the club’s canned food drive for the SENSE Charter School that took place over the course...

Do Something Club sponsor James Ziegler organizes donations for the SENSE Charter School canned food drive that the club is currently conducting. Ziegler said that the fundraisers, which is a competition between the various departments of the school, will March 5.

Do Something Club to meet March 5 after school to work on current fundraisers

Angela Li March 5, 2019

Do Something Club will meet today, March 5, after school to finalize their canned food drive and plan their upcoming fundraisers, according to Samantha Kadinger, Do Something club member and senior. “We...

Do Something Club sponsor James Ziegler writes an email to the club with details regarding the club’s upcoming meeting. According to Ziegler, the club is currently planning their food drive for the SENSE Charter School as well as their visit to the Summer Trace Nursing Home.

Do Something Club to meet on Feb. 19 to plan upcoming fundraisers

Angela Li February 18, 2019

Do Something Club will meet after school on Feb. 19 to plan their upcoming fundraisers, according to Do Something Club sponsor James Ziegler. Ziegler said this month, the club will be conducting another...

Do Something Club sponsor James Ziegler talks with Samantha Kadinger, Do Something Club member and senior, about details for the club’s upcoming meeting. According to Ziegler, the club will meet Jan. 22 after school to plan their projects for this semester.

Do Something Club to meet today after school to discuss upcoming projects

Angela Li January 23, 2019

Do Something Club will meet Jan. 22 after school to discuss their upcoming projects for this semester, according to Samantha Kadinger, Do Something Club member and senior. “We just finished up our projects...

Do Something Club sponsor James Ziegler talks with Samantha Kadinger, Do Something Club member at senior, about the club’s upcoming events. According to Ziegler, the club’s focus for the rest of the semester will be their annual project to make holiday care packages for children at the Dayspring Center.

Do Something Club to plan annual holiday care packages event

Angela Li December 10, 2018

Do Something Club will meet after school Dec. 6 to plan their annual holiday care packages event for the children at the Dayspring Center in Indianapolis, according to Do Something Club sponsor James Ziegler. “At...

Do Something Club sponsor James Ziegler plans for the club’s upcoming annual Fleece Blankets for the Homeless event. According to Ziegler, this annual event will take place Nov. 14 after school in the Freshman Cafeteria and will help the homeless population in Indianapolis.

Do Something Club to conduct annual Fleece Blankets for Homeless event

Angela Li November 13, 2018

Do Something Club will conduct their annual Fleece Blankets for the Homeless event Nov. 14 after school in the Freshman Cafeteria from 3:15 to 5:00 p.m. According to Do Something Club sponsor James Ziegler,...

Do Something Club sponsor James Ziegler talks with Sammi Kadinger, Do Something Club member and senior, about the club’s upcoming meeting on Oct. 30. According to Ziegler, the club will plan the annual October breast cancer research fundraiser and Fleece Blankets for the Homeless event as well as a Veterans Walk to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project at the upcoming meeting.

Do Something Club to meet Oct. 30, plan upcoming fundraisers

Angela Li October 29, 2018

Do Something Club will meet on Oct. 30 to continue planning the club’s ongoing fundraisers, according to Do Something Club sponsor James Ziegler. Ziegler said due to bad weather and a low turnout at...

Do Something Club sponsor James Ziegler and Samantha Kadinger, Do Something Club member and senior, discuss details for the club’s current projects. According to Ziegler, the club is currently conducting their canned food drive for the SENSE Charter School in Indianapolis, and their breast cancer research fundraiser will take place on Oct. 12.

Do Something Club conducts annual breast cancer research fundraiser

Angela Li October 24, 2018

Do Something Club is currently conducting their canned food drive for SENSE Charter School, which lasts until Oct. 5, according to Do Something Club sponsor James Ziegler. “Right now, we are doing our...

Do Something Club sponsor James Ziegler talks to the club about the upcoming projects for the rest of the school year. According to Ziegler, the club members started planning these projects already at the last meeting and they hope these final projects will positively impact the community.

Do Something Club to meet on April 10 to plan final projects

Angela Li April 6, 2018

Do Something Club will meet after school on April 10 to prepare for their final projects for the school year. According to James Ziegler, Do Something Club sponsor, the club has three main projects planned...

Do Something Club sponsor James Ziegler and Connor Bednarski, club member and junior, talk to the club about the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society fundraiser during lunch on March 14. According to Ziegler, the club members planned this fundraiser at the club’s last meeting and the club hopes to raise as much money as possible for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Do Something Club to help with Make-A-Wish Foundation fundraiser on March 7

Angela Li March 6, 2018

Do Something Club will help with the Make-A-Wish Foundation fundraiser at the choir performance on March 7 and will meet after school on March 13 to prepare for additional projects throughout the month...

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