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Annie Kim, officer of the Share the Music and sophomore, stacks flyers for the Share the Music call-out meeting on Sept. 4. Kim had been working to make and print the flyers to provide new members with more information about the club. Kim said, “It’s just a really chill club, and everybody’s having a good time.”

Various Orchestra Clubs Host Call-out Meetings

Wendy Zhu September 6, 2018

The CHS Orchestras are starting up several of its clubs for the new school year. Some orchestra clubs include United Sound, Share the Music and Orchestra Council. Orchestra Council hosted its call-out...

A member of Share the Music plays a piece for another member during one of the meetings. Maggie Hite, Share the Music sponsor and performing arts teacher, said she hopes that more of these will occur in the future.

Share the Music Club to host venues on May 17, 26

James Yin May 7, 2018

Share the Music will have no more meetings for the rest of the year but will have venues on May 17 and 26. Anna Li-Harezlak, Share the Music vice president and junior, said the venues still have some...

Share the Music members team up to play jazz music at the Share the Music meeting. Maggie Hite, Share the Music sponsor and performing arts teacher, said performances like these were common in the club.

Share the Music Club to conduct meeting on May 1

James Yin April 18, 2018

Share the Music will conduct its next meeting on May 1. Anna Li-Harezlak, Share the Music vice president and senior, said this meeting will be another executive meeting where the new officers will begin...

Anna Li-Harezlak, Share the Music vice president and senior, prepares her instrument. Li-Harezlak said participation in Share the Music could involve not only instruments but also singing and theatre.

Share the Music Club to conduct club meeting on March 27

James Yin March 21, 2018

Share the Music will host its next meeting on March 27. Anna Li-Harezlak, Share the Music vice president and junior, said the members discussed officer positions and new plans of student participation...

Maggie Hite, Share the Music sponsor and performing arts teacher, reviews her lesson plans.

Share the Music to conduct club meeting on March 27

James Yin March 1, 2018

Share the Music will have its next meeting on March 27. Anna Li-Harezlak, Share the Music vice president and junior, said there will be an executive meeting March 6 to start planning for next year. “We’re...

Share the Music members play a jazz piece together during a meeting.

Share the Music winter next venue on Feb. 17, meeting on Feb. 27

James Yin February 10, 2018

Share the Music will have its next venue on Feb. 17 and its next meeting on Feb. 27. According to Anna Li-Harezlak, Share the Music president and senior, interest in performing at venues is still high...

Maggie Hite, Share the Music sponsor and performing arts teacher, reviews her teaching schedule. She said she is excited for what Share the Music will do in the second semester following an excellent winter benefits concert.

Share the Music winter next venue on Jan. 20, meeting on Jan. 30

James Yin January 17, 2018

Share the Music will have its next venue on Jan. 20 and its next meeting on Jan. 30. According to Anna Li-Harezlak, Share the Music president and senior, the Winter Benefit Concert was a huge success,...

SCALING IT: Senior Emma Hedrick plays scales on the piano as part of her morning warmup for Jazz Ensemble. Hedrick is a member of Share the Music and also sings and plays jazz music for the club.

MUSIC MAGIC: CHS students use music to help others; the psychological effects of holiday music

Hannah Glazier December 14, 2017

Share the music club, a club that performs a variety of music pieces at nursing homes, will host its annual Winter Benefit Concert at 4 p.m. tomorrow. Typically, the club dedicates all of the ticket funds...

A member of the Share the Music plays a piece for other members during a meeting. Maggie Hite, Share the Music sponsor and performing arts teacher, said she hopes that more of these will occur in the future.

Share the Music winter next venue on Dec. 3, benefits concert on Dec. 15

James Yin December 2, 2017

  Share the Music will have its next venue on Dec. 3. Share the Music's winter benefits concert will take place on Dec. 15. According to Anna Li-Harezlak, Share the Music president and senior, most...

Share the Music members warm up with a piano piece.

Share the Music meeting on Nov. 28, venues on Nov. 18

James Yin November 17, 2017

Share the Music (STM) will have its next meeting on Nov. 28 and its next venue on Nov. 18. Anna Li-Harezlak, president of STM and senior, said that planning for the winter benefits concert has already...

Share the Music officers discuss basic scheduling and meeting dates.

Share the Music meeting on Oct. 31, venues on Oct. 21 and 28

James Yin October 15, 2017

Share the Music will have its next meeting Oct. 31 and its next venues on Sept. 16 and Oct. 3. Anna Li-Harezlak, president of Share the Music and senior, said she hopes the collaboration from the meetings...

Share the Music members team up to play jazz music at the Share the Music meeting.

Share the Music to meet Oct. 11, venues Sept. 26 and Oct. 3

James Yin September 25, 2017

Share the Music will conduct its next meeting Oct. 11 and its next venues on Sept. 26 and Oct. 3. Anna Li-Harezlak, president of Share the Music and senior, said she hopes club meetings remain social throughout...

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